To get the Foundation underway we invited fans to become Founder Members by donating to a Commitment Fund. This money is being used for the necessary start up costs, but just as importantly we felt that if we could encourage sufficient numbers of fans to become Founder Members it would help demonstrate to all United fans that the organisation is sound, trustworthy and credible before we go out and ask them to become members. We are delighted at the number of Founder Members confirmed to date and some of them are listed below.
Celebrate our past, ensure our future

Founder Members
Founder Members
When you become a member your name will appear here unless you choose to remain anonymous:
- Ged Bell
- Simon Black
- Ronnie Boyd
- Mike Butler
- Tom Cairns
- Peter Carmichael
- Alex Clark
- Doug Cree
- Ged Crowe
- Tony Crowe
- William Donnelly
- Frank Esposito
- Michael Evans
- Feeney Family
- Bruce Forbes
- James Fyffe
- John Gibson
- William Gibson
- Dave Hales
- David Hamilton
- Alan Herbert
- Grant Howitt
- Pat Joyce
- Michael Kydd
- Marie Kiernan
- George Malcolm & Son Limited
- Stephen Malone
- Martin Manzi
- William MacFarlane
- Gavin McAinsh
- Peter McBride
- Andy McCarle
- Denis McGurk
- Dave McLean
- Graham McLelland
- Campbell McInally
- Simon Pringle
- Redwood Birkhill Ltd.
- Islay Reid
- Sheila Robertson
- Drew Ross
- Craig Simpson
- David Smith
- Smyth Composites
- Andrew Stirling
- Fans United 1
- Fans United 2
- Mike Watson
- Michael Williamson
If you are interested in becoming a Founder Member please contact us by emailing for more information, or complete our Commitment Fund form.